Often, most of the parents do not worry about the amount of time their children spend online in a day, but their primary concern is the type of content their children are being engaged to while browsing online. To minimize these worries, putting restrictions on the number of hours they spend online is immensely beneficial for managing their internet conduct and controlling their addiction towards the screen. Therefore, by making clear rules and guidelines about the times of a day children can stay online is crucial.
Here is a list of reasons to demonstrate why parents should put the limitations on their children’s internet use.
1.Excessive Screen Time Disturbs the Family Time
Around two decades ago when our lives were not tech influenced completely, children used to spend more time with family. This quality time and face to face interaction with family members have become lesser due to the screen attraction. Even if teenagers are present physically in a gathering, their mind or hands are constantly on their phone. Internet obsession has led our children to interact lesser with family. This contributes greatly as a reason why parents need to put limits on their children’s internet and screen use.
2.Unlimited Internet Use Interferes with School Work
Another crucial effect of non-restricted internet usage is that children keep investing their time on the internet even if they have an important test or an assignment due. This is because the internet and its perks are highly addicting. Putting limitation is necessary otherwise it affects your child’s academic performance to a significant extent.
With FamilyTime app in hand, parents can just look the phone of their kids by a single swipe and can keep their addiction under control.
3.Limited Use of Internet Helps Kids Follow Cell Phone Etiquettes
Allowing the internet for a specific time of the day teaches kids disciplined internet use and cell phone etiquettes. This helps them realize that the internet should be used as an opportunity for resolving important queries related to their learning requirements. If you allow your kids to access internet 24/7, they are more likely to take this as a luxury and will spend most of their online time while doing such activities which are not at all productive for them.
4.Prohibiting Internet Use for Certain Times Reduces Online Temptations
The Internet is full of every kind of content and apps. Some of which turn out to be extremely addicting for kids. Certain kinds of content especially the one which is far from reality, grasp your child’s mind and they often keep them occupied while thinking about those imaginary, farfetched things. This reduces the mental productivity of children. By prohibiting internet use during certain hours of the day, you can control their online temptation and gradually eliminate their addiction completely.
Parental Control App to Limit Kids’ Screen Time
For controlling your kids’ screen time, one thoughtful method is to install parental control app such as FamilyTime which allow parents to use the feature of screen time limits. By using the app, parents can manage the screen addiction effortlessly.
It allows parents to put a time limit on their child’s screen use in a variety of ways. For instance, parents can either put auto screen locks on their kids’ devices at any time for specific time intervals as per their preferences or they can lock their devices remotely when they find their kids immersed in the technology. These are just two features that help parents manage their kids’ screen time. There is a bundle of others, such as app blocking and contact Watchlisting etc. To know more about these features and a number of others, give FamilyTime parental control app a free trial. To get the trial version, go now to the app store on your phone.