New WhatsApp Update brings People Mentions and GIF support
After a long wait, WhatsApp brings the much-awaited features like GIF support and people mention in their latest update. Yes, now you can share...
Google Duo Video Calling App Available for Android and iOS
Google Duo is a video calling app announced by Google during the IO 2016 event happened in May 2016. Nearly after 3 months of...
Wondershare Data Recovery Review
Once upon a time, there is no way to get back the lost data due to accidental deletion, formatting, system crash, etc., During that...
Prisma Beta App for Android Stops Working – Need to Wait...
Prisma Beta App for Android was announced yesterday and the developer confirmed that the invites will be sent soon for the users to test...
Prisma App for Android Announced and How To Download
Prisma is a photo editing app released during the start of this month. The app was announced for iOS only and had a huge...
Yahoo Mail for Android and iOS gets New Updates
Yahoo Mail for iOS and Android gets new updates which are focused on allowing users to add their own personal touch to their inbox.
Google Spaces – A Tool for Small Group Sharing
Google launched its new group sharing app called Google SPACES. The internet giant is reportedly working on various projects to compete with the other...
WhatsApp Desktop App for Windows and Mac Released – Download and...
WhatsApp has just released their desktop app for Windows and Mac. Tired of keeping your browser window always open to access WhatsApp on your...