WordPress a popular blogging tool and the maximum number of blogs around the globe optimized with wordpress. It is free and open source blogging tool and a content management system based on PHP and MySQL. Bloggers always prefer wordpress, because it makes the SEO process easy and plenty of paid/free plugins, themes, framework are available for wordpress globally to make your blog more effective. Report says more than 60 million blogs are running in wordpress system. To add more T2Lead is also running on wordpress platform.
One of the main feature is you can install wordpress CMS in your self hosted websites also. Many of us are aware of how to install wordpress on hosts and make the site live. Almost all the popular web hosting sellers offering automatic scripts inside the cpanel to install the wordpress. The process is very simple. But before you go live on web, you can test, edit, work on wordpress to customize the plugins, themes according to your site and then you can make the site live. To do so, you can install WordPress Locally in Windows Using Xampp software for windows.
Xampp is also a free and open source cross-platform web server solution stack package which includes Apache HTTP Server, MySQL database and more. Apache HTTP Server is to run the site locally and MySQL service is to create, run the sites with database.
How To Steps:
Now lets see the steps to install WordPress Locally in Windows Using Xampp
1. Download the latest version of Xampp for Windows from SourgeForge and install it on your windows PC/Laptop.
2. Once Installed open Xampp Control Panel and Start the Apache and MySQL Services.
3. Next Download the WordPress Package from WordPress.org and extract the package, the folder named “wordpress” will be extracted.
4. Open the “htdocs” folder, it should be in “Drive:/xampp/htdocs”
Eg : “E:/xampp/htdocs”
5. Now copy the wordpress folder to htdocs folder.
6. Open the browser and enter the URL as “http://localhost/wordpress” [without quotes] and hit enter. It will load the wordpress installation process. Choose your wordpress language and click “Continue”.
7. Now in the next page will have details to have handy like Database, username and password for wordpress blog. Click “Let’s Go!”
8. Open new tab and navigate to “http://localhost/phpmyadmin” [without quotes] URL and login with your credentials configured during the installation of xampp software and Click on “Databases” and name your database, then click “Create“. Now the database created.
9. Move to the wordpress installation tab in your browser and enter the details of your database and click “Submit“.
10. Now in the next page click “Run the install“.
11. Enter the Site details like site name, your admin username and password, email and click “Install WordPress“. Within a minute you will get a “Success” notification. Now Login to your admin panel with the username and password.
12. Now you can use the “http://localhost/wordpress” URL to access the site locally.
With these steps you can create, edit, preview your wordpress site locally before make it live. Checkout the Video guide for better understanding.
[youtube width=”602″ height=”350″ video_id=”ZJBHa27y_Qw”]
Do let me know if any doubts via comments.