After a long wait, WhatsApp brings the much-awaited features like GIF support and people mention in their latest update. Yes, now you can share GIF pictures and also you can mention people in your messages, which helps a lot if you are in a big group.
WhatsApp Mentions:
Like Twitter, facebook, Instagram – now WhatsApp also introduced the people mentions in WhatsApp Groups. The feature is currently available for Android and iOS. Soon, the feature will be added to other platforms.
How To Mention People:
It is very similar to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. Just use @ and then the name/number of the person in the group and select the person. You can also tag multiple persons in the same message.
If you have muted any group and someone mentioned your name, then you will get a notification.
WhatsApp GIF Support:
Another major update in the beta version is GIF support. Yes, now you can send GIF files in your WhatsApp.
How To Send GIF files in WhatsApp:
You can send GIF files just like sending the pictures. Just click on the attachment icon, select the GIF file, choose the file and send.
How To Get the update:
Please note that the update is not available in stable releases. To get the mentions and GIF support in your WhatsApp, please download the latest beta version of the app here[for Andriod Users]. The version number is 2.16.272.
Hope we will get more features like video calling, stcikers, etc., in near future.